
Market Research + Customer Dialogue


These days, it’s more important than ever to maintain close relations with customers. Product and service experiences are often shared, evaluated and communicated in social networks and the internet.

To be immediately informed of possible weaknesses, and to permanently keep an eye on processes, determines the success or failure for many companies. TÜV Saarland offers a comprehensive range of survey and observation instruments that support you in your continuous dialogue with customers.
Additionally, our seals demonstrate positive achievements to the outside world, and show potential new customers that they can rely on you.

Turnus Questionnaires with Certification

We survey your customers in a comprehensive full-service procedure. To do this, we use instruments, channels and procedures (email, online engagement, telephone, mail) that reach your target group. In this way, we develop a representative opinion synopsis.

Good results are awarded these well-known quality seals:

Our experts agree on the process and the relevant contents with your team, and supervise the entire survey procedure.

Permanently Monitoring your Customers

Do you require a permanent opinion synopsis for your customers, so that you are always kept up to date? Then our monitoring solutions are a good choice for you. Our customer-friendly surveying procedure minimises your costs and secures you immediate online access to up-to-date results.
TÜV MONITOR offers you more possibilities.

  • Minimises your workload
  • Immediate access to up-to-date results
  • TÜV seal for your internet presence
  • Feedback channels for unsatisfied customers
  • CRM-integration

Product Testing and Certification

TÜV Saarland Market Research also enables you to test new products and prototypes on representative target groups. We select a suitable sample for your product, who test it for a specific period of time and report on their experiences. Products that pass the test receive the TÜV Customer Evaluation seal.