Certificates are intended to provide unambiguous indications of the quality of services and products. Deciding whether a provider is trustworthy can be made simpler with an appropriate certificate.

In addition to accredited certification programmes, the TÜV Saarland Group also offers voluntary certifications. TÜV traditionally stands for safety and reliability. We also pursue this goal for free certifications. Certificates are issued only after careful examination.

Just enter the name of the certificate holder or the certificate number and check the validity.


Unfortunately, there are also companies or organisations that advertise with a TÜV Saarland test mark, even though no test has ever taken place. These test marks are forged. These test marks are often recognised by the fact that there is no functioning link.

You can check the validity via our certificate database, however. These companies are often based abroad, which is why contacting them in these cases is very complicated. In every case TÜV Saarland tries to take action against these organisation, often in cooperation with the “Wettbewerbszentrale” (the German Agency to Combat Unfair Competition).