22. March 2018

VdTÜV Position: Proposal for reinforcing trust in the Single Market

In the “goods package” presented on 19.12.2017, the EU Commission is seeking to make adjustments in both areas in order to improve the functioning of the Single Market. With regard to market surveillance and also in the area of mutual recognition, the EU Commission has identified “structural weaknesses”, which it wishes to counteract by means of two Regulations. However, VdTÜV considers that the measures proposed in these Regulations are not suitable in order to adequately meet today’s challenges, eliminate the weaknesses and ensure the most com-prehensive compliance possible for the traded products. Therefore, VdTÜV sees a considerable need for correction as regards the legislation proposals, and wishes to comment as follows.

The position paper is available for download here.

VdTÜV Verband der TÜV e.V.
Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
Friedrichstraße 136 | D-10117 Berlin