TÜV Saarland has developed the testing concepts Tested Data Protection and Monitored Data Protection to provide neutral, independent verification. They document the safe and proper handling of personal data for customers, partners and affected persons.
The TÜV Data Protection Test Mark!
The test verifies the a proper, functioning data protection system. “Monitored Data Protection” complements the test through constant external monitoring by TÜV.
We test data protection management, as well as structural, organisational and technical requirements. For example, these include encryption, procedural rules, access regulation, purpose specification, password management, data processing, outsourcing and control mechanisms.
The tests are based, among other things, on the Federal Data Protection Law (DBSG), specific elements of BSI basic protection, relevant parts of the ISO 27001, TÜV-specific requirements and branch-specific laws and contractual regulations.
On the request of the customer, we are able to test all technical facilities and systems with regard to their suitability for protecting personal data, in accordance with recognised standards.
Build Confidence – Show that Data Protection is Important to You.
Following a successful test, you will be able to have your data protection organisation certified. Besides the test certificate, we award your company a test seal that can be used for your corporate website or other publications. Let the public and your customers know that you are responsible with data.