TÜV Saarland Kids


Children are inquisitive beings. And they can be inspired whenever you show them something exciting. That’s why TÜV Saarland e.V. is turning to primary age girls and boys with its project “TÜV Saarland Kids”. The objective of this campaign is to promote interest in technology amongst children with simple experiments. Under our supervision, children construct functioning technical devices, such as current testers or lifting platforms, using everyday objects. They can experiment to their heart’s content – and even take their devices home with them after school.

In this way, we introduce girls and boys to technical problem solving at an early stage. Age-appropriate and playful learning is decisive for the success of this campaign. Then, we won’t just be arousing interest, but enthusiasm.

In this way the Association hopes to make a contribution to increasing the number of new students in the so-called MINT subjects (Maths, IT, Natural Sciences, Technology). With this campaign, TÜV Saarland is building on the knowledge and experience of TÜV Hessen, which has been running similar projects since 2007 very successfully.

The Saarland Ministry for Education and Culture supports the “TÜV Saarland Kids” project at local primary schools, and coordinates the programme in collaboration with the State Institute for Pedagogy and Media.

Success Story: TÜV Kids in other German states and in Austria

So far, almost 200,000 school kids have participated in the “TÜV Kids” project, mainly in Hessen, Bavaria and even in Austria. In Saarland, there are currently 161 schools with 361 classes participating. Around 7,500 of these children are in their fourth year, i.e. at the age when this project comes into question for them.

Primary School Registration

Enrol your class for a TÜV Saarland Kids double period